For now, threesomes become more and more common. There is a recent search shows that threesome is popular among singles who are twenties and thirties. These kind of people who are active in sexual life. And threesome is packed with excitement and intrigue, which appeals to people including transgenders. More trans singles and couples are longing for threesomes trying to experience it, to spice sexual life up.
If you are the one who wants to find someone to have the first three way, there is something you need to consider before doing it. Anyone or couple who is planning the first tinder for threesome needs to take the following things into consideration and figure out whether you have the desire to make the first three way experience, and whether you feel comfortable about your current relationship.
1. Are you ready for the threesome?
Many people want to try the threesome because they learned from others that threesome is fun. They think it takes nothing to try it, but from the bottom of heart, they are not ready to do it. Sometimes, one would feel pressure by their spouses who is eager to have a threesome. Therefore, no matter what, make sure you do want to do this before jumping into the bed.
2. Consider your current relationship status
For couples who want to pursue their first threesome, they should first answer the above questions as individuals. If they all agree that they can have a threesome, then honestly discuss as a couple whether their relationship can handle the three way experience. If one of them is doing it for the other, but is deeply reluctant, then three ways could undermine their relationship.
3. Who do you want to join?
For a couple, do you want a man or a woman to join your first threesome? For a single, are you interested in two men, two women or a man and a woman? Do you want to share your bed with a stranger or pursue your first three way with a friend? Figure out what you want and follow through on it, so you have the opportunity to create an amazing first tinder for threesomes.
4. What about your sexual boundary?
When you find a third partner for threesome, then you need to set some sexual boundaries. Every one of the threesome should know what are their sexual limitations. Tell these boundaries to each other to prevent from getting hurt or uncomfortable during the process. Every member should keep the boundaries and respect it.
5. Measures to prevent the STD
This is the top priority or any sexual experience. All people involve in the threesome should agree on a safety and security measure to prevent the STD. So, condoms should be worn all the time. You need to make sure all parties consent to have some measures to prevent the spread of any STDs. If anyone doesn’t agree, then stop the threesome activity.
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